Friday, February 20, 2015

Lasagne Spinach Roll Ups

I don't like to cook on Fridays.  When I taught, the weekend started as soon as school was out on Friday, and I didn't want to do any work again until Sunday evening.  When B was little, we would go out a lot for pizza, and that was always a joyful and enjoyable start to the weekend.  

As B got bigger and busier, we would order pizza in for dinner on Fridays.  It was quick and good, and we could relax.

Now that I'm retired, I don't have an excuse for not cooking on Fridays, so I like to find easy and good recipes.  Here is a good recipe for lasagne roll ups from Giada.  It came together really easily, so today still feels like Friday.  It is lent, so I skipped the meat, but here is what it looks like:

Floral Arrangements

Before the holiday, I took a flower arranging class at our local garden center.  It went for 4 weeks, and we made some nice things.  I enjoyed it, so I signed up for a flower arranging class.  It lasts for three weeks.

I'm kind of surprised, because traditionally I'm very cerebral.  In retirement, however, I am more hands-on and action oriented.

It is a true pleasure to walk in the door after being outside in 0 degree weather and to see such colorful arrangements on the table:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fabulous Lentil Soup

This recipe is fabulous.  I'm so glad I tried it on Ash Wednesday.

I knew Giada would have a good Italian-tasting lentil soup, but it tasted better than I thought.  It was so easy, too.

This soup will go on regular rotation, particularly when we are eating vegetarian.  I used orzo for the pasta, and that tasted really good.  I really like Trader Joe's lentils, and that is what I used.  Quick, easy, tasty, and good for you!  Yay, Giada!  Yay, Lentil soup!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Sometimes I like the sweetness of orzo rather than rice.  I really enjoy orzo in soups, and it makes a good side or lunch dish.  I found this recipe in the Post Gazette, and we have enjoyed it:

Orzo with Saffron and Fennel

1 t saffron threads
1 small red onion
2 T olive oil
1 fennel bulb, chopped
8 oz orzo
2 c vegie broth, heated
handful of walnuts or pecans

Soften saffron in 1 T hot water, set aside.
Peel and chop the onion.  Heat olive oil in a medium sauté pan, and add chopped onion with a spoonful of water.  Cook for about 5 minutes.  Add the chopped fennel and sauté for 3 more minutes.

Add orzo, sauté for 4 minutes.

Cover everything with the hot broth, season with salt and pepper, and stir in saffron.  Cook about 10 or 12 minutes.  Garnish with fennel leaves and chopped nuts.

Here is what it looks like before the garnish:

Mexican Wedding Cookies

My sister recommended a recipe from Relish Magazine for Mexican Wedding Cookies.  I like the taste of chocolate with the nuts in these cookies, so I like these.  I may end up with too much chocolate, though, and have to take these back to just nuts.  For now, though, it is a really good cookie.  I just have to figure a way to make sure they look more evenly sugared.  Here is how they look.

Here is the recipe:

Chocolate Chip Mexican Wedding Cookies

1 c (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 c granulated sugar
2 t vanilla
2 c all purpose flour
1/2 t salt
1 c finely chopped toasted pecans
1/2 c mini chocolate chips
1 1/2 c powdered sugar

In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat butter and granulated sugar for 3 minutes.  Beat in vanilla, and Add flour and salt.  Add pecans and chocolate chips, and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Preheat oven to 350 and cover baking sheet with parchment.

Shape dough into 1 inch balls.  Place balls on pans, and refrigerate for 10 minutes.  Bake 15 to 18 minutes.

Roll in powdered sugar when removed from oven, and again when totally cool.  Makes 3 dozen.
(I got 42 cookies)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cauliflower Parmesan

I tried this recipe for Cauliflower Parmesan today, and it was delicious.  I thought it would take longer, or be a little sloppier to make, but it didn't take too much time.  It looked really nice when it was done, and one small cauliflower really made a lot.

Box of treats

I sent a box of treats to NY, and they were appreciated.

The box included macaroons, the lemon thumbprints from TL, nutella biscotti, brownie bites with rolos, and the sugar cookies with rose icing.  We are getting off to a good start.  The macaroons were the ones that were a little sticky with the sweetened condensed milk, but they were a hit.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Rugelach or Kolache?

I love these kind of cookies.  I love them with nuts, apricots, poppy seeds, raspberry, you name it!

This week, I wanted to get a good recipe for one or the other.  I have made good apricot kolache in the past, but I can't find that recipe yet.  I have a really good nut bread recipe, but the look of the slices might not work for a cookie table.

I need something that tastes good, and is cookie size.  The first recipe I tried was from Gourmet Magazine, in 2004.  It is a basic rugelach with cream cheese dough.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to use a yeast dough, a sour cream dough, or a cream cheese dough.  I wasn't sure about the shape--whether to do the roll-ups or the squares that fold over, but this gives you a roll with one-inch bites.  This size sounded perfect for the cookie table.

I made the dough yesterday and chilled it overnight.  It was really easy to roll out.  I used apricot preserves, cinnamon sugar, and walnuts for the filling, and rolled them up.  Since the dough didn't have any sugar, I sprinkled sugar on top.

I took these out of the oven when they browned, and they looked incredible!  Unfortunately, I took them out too early, and they are a little soggy in the middle, but other than that, they are great!  I need to get some raisins to increase the chewiness, and the dough may need a little salt, but these are close to perfect.  I will try them again later this week, and I may have a good recipe on hand!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sugar cookies with rose icing

I need some cookies that make a splash and look great, and I have found some!

I used Iambaker's Rose cookie tutorial and mine turned out really nice!  I followed her recipe for sugar cookies, and they were good.  The recipe made quite a few cookies, and their shape was good when they were finished.  Mine cooked in the recommended 8 minutes.

I followed her directions to make a glaze first, and I think it helped the flowers stay on.  I used her recipe for the flowers.  My piping skills need some work.  Some turned out like hers, and some needed some improvement in the appearance department, but all tasted good.

It took a lot of strength to pipe the icing.  I think I could have added a little more liquid, but I was afraid to lose the consistency completely.  I had trouble filling the piping bag without making a mess, but i have watched some tutorials on youtube with good ideas.

Also, Nancy Baggett makes a frosting that holds a rose shape using freeze dried fruit.  It makes pretty colors, and I'll bet it tastes good, too.  That is on the docket for next time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The very best thumbprint cookies

Three Rivers Cookbooks have the best recipes.  The first one was published soon after I got married, and I've relied on these cookbooks ever since for everyday and special occasion dishes.  One of my favorites over the years is for Thumbprint Cookies from Three Rivers I.

You need:

1/2 c brown sugar
1 c butter
2 or 3 egg yolks
2 c flour
Egg whites
2 1/2 c chopped nuts
raspberry preserves

Cream together sugar, butter, and egg yolks.   Beat flour into mixture.  Form balls and dip into slightly beaten egg whites.  Roll balls into chopped nuts, place on lightly greased cookie sheet, and put a thumbprint into each.  Bake at 350 for 8 minutes.  Remove and reset thumbprint. Bake an additional 8 minutes.  Fill with preserves.  The last time, I used a mix of walnuts and toasted pecans, and they were good.  I also used buttercream frosting with salted butter.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pecan Tea Cookies

This recipe is a good one.   I went to a cookie class in town, and this was my favorite of the bunch.

Pecan Tea Cookies

1/2 lb unsalted butter
2 t vanilla
2.5 c pecans
2 c flour
1/2 c confectioners sugar
1/2 t salt

roll out in confectioners sugar
bake at 350 for 10 minutes

Today, I was in a hurry, so I tried rolling them out in flour.  That was a bad idea.  The sugar gives them a unique, almost caramel flavor, and keeps them moist.   Here's what they look like drizzled with chocolate.

I like the chocolate, but they may need a little more.  I might try a caramel and chocolate drizzle next time.

Vegetarian for Lent

Most of our meals are meat-centric.  My husband is a meat and potatoes person, who would honestly be happy with a burger and fries three meals a day.  To get away from our emphasis on meat, a few years ago we tried "Vegan for Lent," and ate vegan for every meal.  Vegan requires a lot of cooking, so we've found that "vegetarian for Lent" is a little easier and works better for us.

This recipe from Smitten Kitchen for Mushroom Bourgignon is really good and so tasty for a cold day.  It is cold here, so this will be dinner today.  I will probably post links to many of our vegetarian dishes, because sometimes it is hard to figure out what to make when you are only eating vegetables.  What usually works for me is to think in various ethnicities, and figure out what would be good without meat.

Monday, February 2, 2015

More Macaroons


Today I tried more macaroons.  They turned out well the last time, so I thought they would be good this time.

They tasted a little too sweet to me today.  This recipe calls for 3 Tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk.  It also adds sugar.  The next time, I will either cut way back on the sugar or try a recipe that doesn't use the condensed milk. 

I sprayed Pam on the parchment paper, and that allowed the cookies to lift off.  It took just a wee little bit of chocolate to drizzle on the cookies and make them look nice.

I had a bag of 14 oz coconut and a 12 oz bag of coconut.  It seemed like so much coconut, so I didn't include all of it.

When they were done, they seemed a little "meringuey."  What a word.  Next time, I will use all the coconut.  I used a teaspoon size ice cream scoop, but the cookies get big.  The meringue really fluffs them up.  I would prefer to get them smaller next time.  This recipe still needs work.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Nutella Biscotti

I had a biscotti cookbook, but I can't find it, and surprisingly, there aren't a lot of sites with a wide variety of biscotti recipes on the internet.  I hope I can find the book soon.  In the meantime, I tried Nutella Biscotti today.  The recipe can be found here.  I think I like the flavor of these better than the biscotti I tried the other day.  The chocolate is nice and rich, with cocoa powder, nutella, and chocolate chips.

Here they are:

Biscotti always look good, don't they?


I know, it's not holiday time.  So what's up with this recipe?  On this snowy day, I looked for more cookie recipes.  As I was going through drawers, I realized my recipes are so disorganized.  The blog helps me stay organized for some reason, and I am going to copy some of the recipes that are just lying around on here.

I remember we enjoyed this on Christmas Day a few years ago.


1/2 gallon cider
12 cinnamon sticks
1 t cloves
1 t whole allspice
(wrap the cloves and allspice in cheesecloth)
1 cup orange juice
1/2 c lemon juice
1 1/2 c bourbon
sugar to taste

This will help you stay warm through the winter.